Theme: 1 Thessalonians 5:15
" See that none you you repays another with evil for evil, but always aim to show kindness and seek to do good to one another and to everybody"
The Beacon Light Women's Ministry Department is dedicated to cultivating spiritual, emotional, physical and social wholeness of women of the church.
- Women's Ministries encourages women to improve their potential for participation in the mission of the church.
- It is a support system for hurting women—whether they are suffering from divorce, abuse or simply loneliness.
- It is a forum to help address topics and issues as they affect the woman.
- It encourages young women through a scholarship program.
- It encourages women to become involved in all areas of ministry in their church, their community, and in their home.
- It mentors young women so that they may find joy in the Lord.
- Women's Ministries recognizes that women have many Gifts of the Spirit, and it attempts to help women discover and use these gifts to the glory of God