Health and Temperance Department
To edcuate the members, non-members and local community on achieving the best possible health; mentally, spiritually and physically according to the will of God while leading them to Christ.
1. Promote healthy living that includes mental, spiritual and physical well-being through educational programs for church members and the local community.
2. Provide health care services in the form of health fairs to members and the local community.
3. Promote healthy choices that include physical fitness in children and youth within the church and the local community.
Health Ministries is not only about assisting our members with healthy living and happier lives; it is also about reaching out to the surrounding community. From demonstrating healthy principles at our Sabbath potluck to offering seminars on smoking cessation and stress free living, we want to provide lots of ways for people to lead healthy and happy lives.
The North American Division has an informative Health Ministries site. Click here to view this wonderful resource!