Personal Ministries/Prison Ministries Departments
Personal Ministry
To present the message of Jesus Christ as a personal experience and provide bible study, mentoring and prayer support to members and non-members striving to draw closer to Christ.
The ministry of Jesus Christ was personal to each individual that it reached. A solid relationship with the Lord is what we desire for all. The Personal Ministry Department realizes the necessity of one on one time with God. We provide spiritual instruction on how to attain a personal relationship with Christ. Our activities and groups focus on cultivating an eternal connection with our Heavenly Father.
Click Here To Contact The Personal Ministries Department
Prison Ministry
NEW: Support Meetings Every 3rd Saturday Starting Jan 21, 2017 at 1:30pm - 3:30 pm, Classroom "C" Message Phone Number (480) 991-6777 Ext. 125
To fulfill the command in Matthew 25:36 given to the church and to visit those who are incarcerated and offer the Good News through Bible study, song and preaching of the Word. Visits may include jails, prisons, halfway houses, and juvenile facilities.
1. Establish 3 teams of volunteers, two members per team that will go to the various locations and teach Bible studies, preach a message from the Word of God.
2. Institute training sessions each year to equip volunteers with basic knowledge on how to conduct services; Provide on-going training opportunities throughout the year.
3. Provide Bibles, Steps To Christ and other approved literature to those attending our services.
Want an Inmate Contacted?
Incarceration of the body does not have to be incarceration of the soul. The Prison Ministry Team seeks to bring the saving power of Christ to those who may not otherwise ever hear of His love for them.
We know that the power of Jesus can set any captive free.
If you want a inmate contacted or If you would like to be a part of this powerful ministry we are always looking for volunteers. Click the Arizona Conference Prison Ministry Link Below: